The First Annual Summer Institute on Theology and Disability was hosted by The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was sponsored by The Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities through grant funding from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.
Presentation by Hans Reindets: Two Kinds of Communities Two Kinds of People
Presentation by Amos Yong: Disability and the Renewal of Theological Education
Presentation by Peggy Johnson: Strategies for Establishing a Ministry
Presentation by Amos Yong: Disability and the Renewal of the Church
Presentation by John Swinton: Whose Story Am I?
Presentation by Tom Reynolds: Educating Care Transformation and Disability
Presentation by Peggy Johnson: The Bible and the Deaf
Presentation by Leonard Hummel: Signs of Hope
Presentation by Hans Reindets: After Disability Whats Next
Presentation by Erik Carter: After the Benediction: Journeying with People
Presentation by Bill Gaventa: Rediscovering the Old
Presentation by John Swinton: Moving Through the Sadness
Presentation by Erik Carter: Bringing Together Inclusive Christian Education