Collaborative on Faith and Disability chair Bill Gaventa is quoted in the article How churches can accommodate members with disabilities in Deseret News National.
Over the course of the last two years, four Collaborative on Faith and Disability partners (TN, TX, MN, KY) have been developing a model for faith communities to support job seekers with disabilities in making employment connections. Putting Faith to Work, made...
This is a reminder that the December 15th deadline for submitting abstracts to the IASSID World Congress in Melbourne next August is fast approaching. There is a strand on spirituality, and a number of different ways to do presentations. There are many other strands...
The Summer Institute of Theology and Disability (SITD) announces the inauguration of a new annual lecture series named the Jean Vanier Emerging Scholar Lecture. As the patron of this lecture, Jean Vanier does not need an introduction for anyone who is familiar with...
Western Theological Seminary and Hope College are hosting the 7th Summer Institute on Theology and Disability in Holland, Michigan, May 23-26, 2016. Western Seminary is beginning a new certificate program in ministries with people with disabilities under the...
On November 17, Collaborative on Faith and Disabilities members participated on an interfaith panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association on University Centers on Disability in Washington, D.C. From left to right, Bill Gaventa, moderator; Bob...