We invite you to join the Collaborative on Faith and Disability as partner. Below you will find a membership form and a flyer:
Collaborative partners are actively engaging in at least one activity addressing the intersection of disability, religion, and/or spirituality. Requirements vary depending on the organization type.
1. Requirements for University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities:
- University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
2. Requirements for Seminaries:
- Identify at least one faculty member to connect with the Collaborative.
- Explore ways the ATS policy on disability can be utilized within the seminary and possible collaborative ways of infusing issues and resources related to disability in seminary educational opportunities.
- Partner with any UCEDD’s in your state to explore collaboration.
3. Requirements for National Organizations and Networks (eg. Professional associations, National disability networks, National religious networks and Faith and disability organizations):
- Link faith-based resources or initiatives within your organization to the Collaborative website.
- Publicize the Collaborative website.
- Determine ways to include training opportunities on inclusive spiritual supports within educational programs you sponsor.
- Include new resources, training opportunities, and innovative initiatives by your members in national newsletters.
- Partner with the Collaborative to develop webinars or other trainings.
- Contribute to the development of resources for the Collaborative (e.g., literature reviews, white papers, practice guides).
- Encourage state chapters and members to explore training partnerships with seminaries and other clergy and congregational leadership training programs.
4. Requirements for All Members:
Publicize and support participation in the Summer Institutes on Theology and Disability. This can happen by:
- Help publicize the Summer Institute within your network or state.
- Promote awareness of publishing outlets and professional journals interested and involved in disability, religion, and inclusive spiritual supports (e.g., Journal of Religion, and Disability).
- Work collaboratively with seminaries and other organizations or networks within your state to invite and help sponsor a future Summer Institute. (The Summer Institute hopes to move around the country as a way of helping support state based initiatives and enabling participation.)