The Institute for Human Development
The Institute for Human Development, located within the University of Missouri – Kansas City, is an applied research and training center for human services. It exemplifies the University’s goals of academic excellence and a campus without borders by helping people, agencies, and the community reach their fullest potential.
The Institute conducts and collaborates on a wide variety of Applied Research projects to develop, implement, and evaluate new ideas and promising practices that support healthy, inclusive communities.
Interdisciplinary University Training infuses best practices into the curriculum of graduate and undergraduate students in a wide range of professional disciplines, including psychology, social work, nursing, medicine, dentistry, and education.
Community Services and Supports provided by the Institute assists individuals, community and state agencies, and university faculty to build the capacity of their programs through needs assessment, technical assistance, grant development, and program evaluation.
Information Dissemination has also been a vital link between the Institute, the University and the community. This activity includes dissemination of products, provision of a lending library, and the establishment of information resource centers.
Contact Us:
Jenny Hatfield-Callen
Missouri Center Activities
Health & Wellness Promotion
- Addressing Suicide Prevention
- Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Kansas City Healthy Start
- Safety First: Kansas City Collaborative to end Violence Against Women with Disabilities
- StartRight Teen Mentors of Mothers (MOMS) Program
For a detailed description of the program area and a brief introduction to each project. Read more
Early Childhood & Youth
- Cross-Site Evaluation for the AIA Demonstration Program
- Early Childhood Comprehensive System
- Jump Into Foods and Fitness
- Kansas City Summer Transportation Institute
- Kansas Quality Rating System
- Missouri Integrated Model
- Missouri Quality Rating System and School Readiness Study
- Team for Infants Endangered by Substance Abuse (TIES)
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Individual Advocacy and Family Supports
- AmeriCorps Community Support Navigators
- Head Start Strengthening Families and Fatherhood: Children of Fathers in the Criminal Justice System
- Kansas City Access Recreation
- MicroBoards
- Missouri Developmental Disability Resource Center
- Missouri Family to Family Health Information Center
- Missouri Partnership for Integrated Community Services
- OurSpace
- Sharing Our Strengths
- Vision con Esperanza 360° / Visions with Hope 360° Implementation
- Youth LEAD
For a detailed description of the program area and a brief introduction to each project. Read more
Adult Community Living
- Adult Continuing Education for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ACED)
- People First of Missouri Technical Assistance
- Transformation Grant
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Aging and Developmental Disabilities
- Interdisciplinary Training Center on Aging and Developmental Disabilities (ITC)
For a detailed description of the program area and a brief introduction to each project. Read more
Interdisciplinary Personnel Preparation
- College of Direct Support
- Interdisciplinary Collaborations
- Leadership Certificate in Disability Studies
- Gateway Program: Service-Learning
- TIPS for Kids (LEND)
For a detailed description of the program area and a brief introduction to each project. Read more
Program, Organization, & Community Capacity Building
- Alianzas (Alliances)
- Missouri National Service Inclusion Project
- Money Follows the Person
- Safe Family Coalition
For a detailed description of the program area and a brief introduction to each project. Read more