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Representations of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the North American Roman Catholic Print Media, 1990–2013

Author(s): Dana Sawchuk & Juanne Clarke

A Comparison of Self-Acceptance of Disability between Thai Buddhist and American Christians

Author(s): Roy K Chen, Alicia D. Brown & Wilaiporn Kotbungkair

Post-Traumatic Growth in Mothers of Children with Autism: A Phenomenological Study

Author(s): Wei Zhang, Ting Ting Yan, Louise K. Barriball, Alison E. While & Hong Xiao

A Wrinkle in the Fold: Inclusion of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Faith Communities

Author(s): Katie Terry

Quakers and Disability: Theory and Practice in the 19th Century

Author(s): Timothy Lillie

Reflections on Law in Light of Everyday Life at L’Arche

Author(s): Thomas McMorrow

Moving from the Implicit to the Explicit: ‘Spiritual Rights’ and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Author(s): Russell Whiting, Sándor Gurbai

The Role of the Chaplain in the Interdisciplinary Care of the Rehabilitation Patient

Author(s): Marianne C. Sailus

“Shun not the struggle”: The Language and Culture of Deaf Catholics in the U.S., 1949–1977

Author(s): Marlana Portolano

Children’s spirituality and inclusion: strengthening a child’s spirit with community, resilience and joy

Author(s): Kathleen I. Harris

Intellectual disability and faith communities: perspectives of Catholic religious leaders

Author(s): Mazna Patka & Katherine E. McDonald

Disability and Theological Education: A North American Study

Author(s): Naomi Annandale & Erik W. Carter

Spiritual Experiences, Personal Commitment: Relationship With Work Stress Among Support Staff for Children with Disabilities in Oman

Author(s): Mahmoud Emam & Suaad Al-Lawati

Congregational participation and supports for children and adults with disabilities: Parent perceptions

Author(s): Melinda J. Ault, Belva C. Collins & Erik W. Carter

Factors associated with participation in faith communities for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Author(s): Melinda J. Ault, Belva C. Collins & Erik W. Carter

Supporting inclusion and flourishing in the religious and spiritual lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Author(s): Erik W. Carter

Disability Focus Groups: A Strategy for Including People with Disability in Parishes

Author(s): Rea Dennis & Trish Murdoch

Religion and Disability: The Experiences of Families of Children with Special Needs

Author(s): Elizabeth E. O'Hanlon

BeFrienders: Impact of a Social Ministry Program on Relationships for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)

Author(s): Angela Novak Amado, Christina Boice, Megan Degrande & Shannon Hutcheson

Attitudes of Able-Bodied People Toward Clergy with Impairments: A Photo Elicitation

Author(s): James R. Brennan & Debra Rutledge

Conversations with God: Prayer and Bargaining in Adjustment to Disability

Author(s): Valerie J. Rodriguez, Noreen M Glover-Graf, E. Lisette Blanco

Characteristics of Inclusive Faith Communities: A Preliminary Survey of Inclusive Practices in the United States

Author(s): Megan M. Griffin, Lydia W. Kane, Courtney Taylor, Susan H. Francis & Robert M. Hodapp

Spiritual Wellness as a Protective Factor in Predicting Depression Among Mothers of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Author(s): Arjan Graybill & Giselle Esquivel

Accessible Congregations Campaign: Follow-Up Survey of Impact on Individuals With Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD)

Author(s): Angela Novak Amado, Megan Degrande, Christina Boice & Shannon Hutcheson

After the benediction: Walking alongside people with significant disabilities and their families in faith and life

Author(s): Erik W. Carter

Personality Dimensions, Religious Tendencies and Coping Strategies as Predictors of General Health in Iranian Mothers of Children With Intellectual Disability: A Comparison With Mothers of Typically Developing Children

Author(s): Y. R. Mirsaleh, H. Rezai , M. Khabaz, I. Afkhami Ardekanià and K. Abdi

Intellectual Disability and Spiritual Development

Author(s): Graeme Watts

Autism From a Religious Perspective: A Study of Parental Beliefs in South Asian Muslim Immigrant Families

Author(s): Brinda Jegatheesan, Peggy J. Miller & Susan A. Fowler

Spirituality and Disabilities: Implications for Special Education

Author(s): Kaili C. Zhang

Religiosity, Spirituality, and Socioemotional Functioning in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author(s): Naomi V. Ekas, Thomas L. Whitman & Carolyn Shivers

The Influence of Religiosity on Well-Being and Acceptance in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author(s): Stacy E. White

Why Individuals with Intellectual Disability Turn to Religion: Behavioral and Psychological Motives of Adolescents and Adult

Author(s): Hefziba Lifshitz, Izhak Weiss, Sara Fridel, and Rivka Glaubman

Religious Attitude and Happiness Among Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Rick Biesinger & Hiroko Arikawa

Attitudes and Emotions of Orthodox Jews Who Have Siblings with Disabilities: Religious Correlates and Social Context

Author(s): Shulamis Juni Pollak

Social Challenges and Supports from the Perspective of Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and Other Autism Spectrum Disabilities

Author(s): Eve Muller, Adriana Schuler & Gregory B. Yates

Involvement of Adolescents With Intellectual Disabilities in Social and Recreational Activities

Author(s): Dara Abells, Julia Burbridge & Patricia Minnes

Causal Attributions and Parental Attitudes Toward Children With Disabilities in the United States and Pakistan

Author(s): Ambrin F. Masood, Lisa A. Turner, Abigail Baxter

Including Students With Moderate and Severe Intellectual Disabilities in School Extracurricular and Community Recreation Activities

Author(s): Harold L. Kleinert, Sally Miracle, & Kathy Sheppard-Jones

Integrating Faith and Treatment for Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

Author(s): Cara Marker, Magdalena Weeks & Irene Kraegel

Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: What is Important and Likely According to Teachers?

Author(s): Julie K. Ivey

Self-Esteem and Willingness to Help People With and Without Disabilities Among Young Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women

Author(s): Liora Findler, Orit Taubman-Ben-Ari & Shirley Ben-Schlomo

Community Access: A Survey of Congregational Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Author(s): Michelle LaRocque & Rick Eigenbrook

Religion and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: An Exploratory Study of Self-Reported Perspectives

Author(s): Karrie A. Shogren & Mark S. Rye

Mother and Soldier: Raising a Child With a Disability in a Low-Income Military Family

Author(s): Nancy E. Taylor, Shavaun M. Wall, Harriet Liebow, Christine A. Sabatino, Elizabeth M. Timberlake, Michaela Z. Farber

Spirituality: A Coping Mechanism in the Lives of Adults With Congenital Disabilities

Author(s): Jacqueline A. Specht, Gillian A. King, Colleen Willoughby, Elizabeth G. Brown, and Linda Smith

A Survey Comparing Special Education Services for Students with Disabilities in Rural Faith-Based and Public School Settings

Author(s): Rick Eigenbrood

Significance of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony for Parents of Jewish Children With Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Gila Vogel and Shunit Reiter

Role of Spirituality and Religion in Family Quality of Life for Families of Children with Disabilities

Author(s): Denise J. Poston & Ann P. Turnbull

Religious Expression Amongst Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Author(s): Susannah Turner, Chris Hatton, Robina Shah, Julie Stansfield and Nabela Rahim

Peer Relationships and Social and Recreational Activities Among Adolescents and Adults with Autism

Author(s): Gael I. Orsmond, Marty Wyngaarden Kruass, and Marsha Mailick Seltzer

Spiritual Dimensions of Bar/bat Mitzvah Ceremonies for Jewish Children with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Gila Vogel and Shunit Reiter

“This Is a Spiritual Experience”: Perspectives of Latter-Day Saint Families Living With a Child With Disabilities

Author(s): Elaine Sorensen Marshall, Susanne Frost Olsen, Barbara L. Mandleco, Tina Taylor Dyches, Keith W. Allred & nancy Sansom

Participation in Religious Services by People With Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Carol A. Minton & Richard A. Dodder

Disability, Spiritual Beliefs and the Church: The Experiences of Adults with Disabilities and Family Members

Author(s): Linda L. Treloar

Involved Fathering of Children with Special Needs

Author(s): Michael M. Olson, David C. Dollahite & Mark B. White

The Effects of Religious Coping on Caregiving Appraisals of Mothers of Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Helen B. Miltiades & Rachel Pruchno

“We Can’t Expect Other People to Understand”: Family Perspectives on Problem Behavior

Author(s): Lise Fox, Bobbie J. Vaughn, Merili Llanes Wyatte, Glen Dunlap

Family Coping in Families with a Child with a Disability

Author(s): Daniel C. Lustig

Positive Impact of Children with Developmental Disabilities on Their Families: A Preliminary Study

Author(s): Helen M. Taunt & Richard P. Hastings

Religious Coping in Families of Children with Autism

Author(s): Nalini Tarakeshwar & Kenneth I. Pargament

Disability and Spirituality: A Reciprocal Relationship with Implications for the Rehabilitation Process

Author(s): Boni B. Boswell, Sharon Knight & Michael Hamer

God Won’t Put More on You than You Can Bear: Faith as a Coping Strategy Among Older African American Caregiving Parents of Adult Children with Disabilities

Author(s): Sharon V. King

Examining the Beliefs of Involved Adults Concerning the Moral and Religious Development of Individuals with Mental Retardation

Author(s): Randel D. Brown

Role of Religion in the Lives of Latino Families of Young Children with Developmental Delays

Author(s): Debra G. Skinner, Vivian Correa, Martie Skinner & Donald B. Bailey, Jr.

Spiritual Health in Residential Centers for Persons with Intellectual Disability in Israel: A National Survey

Author(s): Joav Merrick, Mohammed Morad & Udi Levi

Teaching Jewish Mentally-Retarded Youngsters Holiday Awareness Through Symbols

Author(s): Varda Carmeli & Eli Carmeli

Supporting Religion and Spirituality to Enhance Quality of Life of People With Intellectual Disability: A Jewish Perspective

Author(s): Stephen Glicksman

Coping and Adaptation in Families of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Author(s): Shu-Li Lin

Church Attendance of Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Jeff McNair & Heather Kathleen Smith

In God We Trust? Organized Religion and Personal Beliefs as Resources and Coping Strategies, and Their Implications for Health in Parents with a Child on the Autistic Spectrum

Author(s): Patricia Coulthard & Michael Fitzgerald

Narrating Self and Disability: Latino Mothers’ Construction of Identities vis-à-vis Their Child with Special Needs

Author(s): Debra Skinner, Donald B. Bailey, Jr., Vivian Correa & Patricia Rodriguez

Qualitative Analysis of Latino Parents’ Religious Interpretations of Their Child’s Disability

Author(s): Debra Skinner, Patricia Rodriguez & Donald B. Bailey, Jr.

Religious Connectedness Among Urban African American Families Who Have a Child with Disabilities

Author(s): Jeannette Rogers-Dulan

Family Perspectives on Inclusive Lifestyle Issues for People with Problem Behavior

Author(s): Ann P. Turnbull and Mike Ruef

Local Church Support to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Jeff McNair & Stanley L. Swartz

School-Based Wraparound Planning: Integrating Services for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Needs

Author(s): Lucille Eber & C. Michael Nelson

Measuring Religiousness of Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Allisen M. Haworth, Amy E. Hill, Laraine Masters Glidden