Scholarship Database

Research and scholarship at the intersection of disability, religion, and inclusive spiritual supports is often scattered across diverse fields and hidden in myriad databases. We will compile and maintain a searchable database of articles addressing these topics organized around our core framework. An avenue for submitting new articles to the database will be available. This database will become an invaluable resource for scholars doing research and writing on this issue. New articles will be featured.

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Representations of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the North American Roman Catholic Print Media, 1990–2013

Author(s): Dana Sawchuk & Juanne Clarke

A Comparison of Self-Acceptance of Disability between Thai Buddhist and American Christians

Author(s): Roy K Chen, Alicia D. Brown & Wilaiporn Kotbungkair

Post-Traumatic Growth in Mothers of Children with Autism: A Phenomenological Study

Author(s): Wei Zhang, Ting Ting Yan, Louise K. Barriball, Alison E. While & Hong Xiao

A Wrinkle in the Fold: Inclusion of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Faith Communities

Author(s): Katie Terry

Quakers and Disability: Theory and Practice in the 19th Century

Author(s): Timothy Lillie

Reflections on Law in Light of Everyday Life at L’Arche

Author(s): Thomas McMorrow

Moving from the Implicit to the Explicit: ‘Spiritual Rights’ and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Author(s): Russell Whiting, Sándor Gurbai

The Role of the Chaplain in the Interdisciplinary Care of the Rehabilitation Patient

Author(s): Marianne C. Sailus

“Shun not the struggle”: The Language and Culture of Deaf Catholics in the U.S., 1949–1977

Author(s): Marlana Portolano

Children’s spirituality and inclusion: strengthening a child’s spirit with community, resilience and joy

Author(s): Kathleen I. Harris

Intellectual disability and faith communities: perspectives of Catholic religious leaders

Author(s): Mazna Patka & Katherine E. McDonald

Disability and Theological Education: A North American Study

Author(s): Naomi Annandale & Erik W. Carter

Spiritual Experiences, Personal Commitment: Relationship With Work Stress Among Support Staff for Children with Disabilities in Oman

Author(s): Mahmoud Emam & Suaad Al-Lawati

Congregational participation and supports for children and adults with disabilities: Parent perceptions

Author(s): Melinda J. Ault, Belva C. Collins & Erik W. Carter

Factors associated with participation in faith communities for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Author(s): Melinda J. Ault, Belva C. Collins & Erik W. Carter

Supporting inclusion and flourishing in the religious and spiritual lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Author(s): Erik W. Carter

Disability Focus Groups: A Strategy for Including People with Disability in Parishes

Author(s): Rea Dennis & Trish Murdoch

Religion and Disability: The Experiences of Families of Children with Special Needs

Author(s): Elizabeth E. O'Hanlon

BeFrienders: Impact of a Social Ministry Program on Relationships for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)

Author(s): Angela Novak Amado, Christina Boice, Megan Degrande & Shannon Hutcheson

Attitudes of Able-Bodied People Toward Clergy with Impairments: A Photo Elicitation

Author(s): James R. Brennan & Debra Rutledge

Conversations with God: Prayer and Bargaining in Adjustment to Disability

Author(s): Valerie J. Rodriguez, Noreen M Glover-Graf, E. Lisette Blanco

Characteristics of Inclusive Faith Communities: A Preliminary Survey of Inclusive Practices in the United States

Author(s): Megan M. Griffin, Lydia W. Kane, Courtney Taylor, Susan H. Francis & Robert M. Hodapp

Spiritual Wellness as a Protective Factor in Predicting Depression Among Mothers of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Author(s): Arjan Graybill & Giselle Esquivel

Accessible Congregations Campaign: Follow-Up Survey of Impact on Individuals With Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD)

Author(s): Angela Novak Amado, Megan Degrande, Christina Boice & Shannon Hutcheson

After the benediction: Walking alongside people with significant disabilities and their families in faith and life

Author(s): Erik W. Carter

Personality Dimensions, Religious Tendencies and Coping Strategies as Predictors of General Health in Iranian Mothers of Children With Intellectual Disability: A Comparison With Mothers of Typically Developing Children

Author(s): Y. R. Mirsaleh, H. Rezai , M. Khabaz, I. Afkhami Ardekanià and K. Abdi

Intellectual Disability and Spiritual Development

Author(s): Graeme Watts

Autism From a Religious Perspective: A Study of Parental Beliefs in South Asian Muslim Immigrant Families

Author(s): Brinda Jegatheesan, Peggy J. Miller & Susan A. Fowler

Spirituality and Disabilities: Implications for Special Education

Author(s): Kaili C. Zhang

Religiosity, Spirituality, and Socioemotional Functioning in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author(s): Naomi V. Ekas, Thomas L. Whitman & Carolyn Shivers

The Influence of Religiosity on Well-Being and Acceptance in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author(s): Stacy E. White

Why Individuals with Intellectual Disability Turn to Religion: Behavioral and Psychological Motives of Adolescents and Adult

Author(s): Hefziba Lifshitz, Izhak Weiss, Sara Fridel, and Rivka Glaubman

Religious Attitude and Happiness Among Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Rick Biesinger & Hiroko Arikawa

Attitudes and Emotions of Orthodox Jews Who Have Siblings with Disabilities: Religious Correlates and Social Context

Author(s): Shulamis Juni Pollak

Social Challenges and Supports from the Perspective of Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and Other Autism Spectrum Disabilities

Author(s): Eve Muller, Adriana Schuler & Gregory B. Yates

Involvement of Adolescents With Intellectual Disabilities in Social and Recreational Activities

Author(s): Dara Abells, Julia Burbridge & Patricia Minnes

Causal Attributions and Parental Attitudes Toward Children With Disabilities in the United States and Pakistan

Author(s): Ambrin F. Masood, Lisa A. Turner, Abigail Baxter

Including Students With Moderate and Severe Intellectual Disabilities in School Extracurricular and Community Recreation Activities

Author(s): Harold L. Kleinert, Sally Miracle, & Kathy Sheppard-Jones

Integrating Faith and Treatment for Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

Author(s): Cara Marker, Magdalena Weeks & Irene Kraegel

Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: What is Important and Likely According to Teachers?

Author(s): Julie K. Ivey

Self-Esteem and Willingness to Help People With and Without Disabilities Among Young Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women

Author(s): Liora Findler, Orit Taubman-Ben-Ari & Shirley Ben-Schlomo

Community Access: A Survey of Congregational Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Author(s): Michelle LaRocque & Rick Eigenbrook

Religion and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: An Exploratory Study of Self-Reported Perspectives

Author(s): Karrie A. Shogren & Mark S. Rye

Mother and Soldier: Raising a Child With a Disability in a Low-Income Military Family

Author(s): Nancy E. Taylor, Shavaun M. Wall, Harriet Liebow, Christine A. Sabatino, Elizabeth M. Timberlake, Michaela Z. Farber

Spirituality: A Coping Mechanism in the Lives of Adults With Congenital Disabilities

Author(s): Jacqueline A. Specht, Gillian A. King, Colleen Willoughby, Elizabeth G. Brown, and Linda Smith

A Survey Comparing Special Education Services for Students with Disabilities in Rural Faith-Based and Public School Settings

Author(s): Rick Eigenbrood

Significance of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony for Parents of Jewish Children With Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Gila Vogel and Shunit Reiter

Role of Spirituality and Religion in Family Quality of Life for Families of Children with Disabilities

Author(s): Denise J. Poston & Ann P. Turnbull

Religious Expression Amongst Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Author(s): Susannah Turner, Chris Hatton, Robina Shah, Julie Stansfield and Nabela Rahim

Peer Relationships and Social and Recreational Activities Among Adolescents and Adults with Autism

Author(s): Gael I. Orsmond, Marty Wyngaarden Kruass, and Marsha Mailick Seltzer

Spiritual Dimensions of Bar/bat Mitzvah Ceremonies for Jewish Children with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Gila Vogel and Shunit Reiter

“This Is a Spiritual Experience”: Perspectives of Latter-Day Saint Families Living With a Child With Disabilities

Author(s): Elaine Sorensen Marshall, Susanne Frost Olsen, Barbara L. Mandleco, Tina Taylor Dyches, Keith W. Allred & nancy Sansom

Participation in Religious Services by People With Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Carol A. Minton & Richard A. Dodder

Disability, Spiritual Beliefs and the Church: The Experiences of Adults with Disabilities and Family Members

Author(s): Linda L. Treloar

Involved Fathering of Children with Special Needs

Author(s): Michael M. Olson, David C. Dollahite & Mark B. White

The Effects of Religious Coping on Caregiving Appraisals of Mothers of Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Helen B. Miltiades & Rachel Pruchno

“We Can’t Expect Other People to Understand”: Family Perspectives on Problem Behavior

Author(s): Lise Fox, Bobbie J. Vaughn, Merili Llanes Wyatte, Glen Dunlap

Family Coping in Families with a Child with a Disability

Author(s): Daniel C. Lustig

Positive Impact of Children with Developmental Disabilities on Their Families: A Preliminary Study

Author(s): Helen M. Taunt & Richard P. Hastings

Religious Coping in Families of Children with Autism

Author(s): Nalini Tarakeshwar & Kenneth I. Pargament

Disability and Spirituality: A Reciprocal Relationship with Implications for the Rehabilitation Process

Author(s): Boni B. Boswell, Sharon Knight & Michael Hamer

God Won’t Put More on You than You Can Bear: Faith as a Coping Strategy Among Older African American Caregiving Parents of Adult Children with Disabilities

Author(s): Sharon V. King

Examining the Beliefs of Involved Adults Concerning the Moral and Religious Development of Individuals with Mental Retardation

Author(s): Randel D. Brown

Role of Religion in the Lives of Latino Families of Young Children with Developmental Delays

Author(s): Debra G. Skinner, Vivian Correa, Martie Skinner & Donald B. Bailey, Jr.

Spiritual Health in Residential Centers for Persons with Intellectual Disability in Israel: A National Survey

Author(s): Joav Merrick, Mohammed Morad & Udi Levi

Teaching Jewish Mentally-Retarded Youngsters Holiday Awareness Through Symbols

Author(s): Varda Carmeli & Eli Carmeli

Supporting Religion and Spirituality to Enhance Quality of Life of People With Intellectual Disability: A Jewish Perspective

Author(s): Stephen Glicksman

Coping and Adaptation in Families of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Author(s): Shu-Li Lin

Church Attendance of Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Jeff McNair & Heather Kathleen Smith

In God We Trust? Organized Religion and Personal Beliefs as Resources and Coping Strategies, and Their Implications for Health in Parents with a Child on the Autistic Spectrum

Author(s): Patricia Coulthard & Michael Fitzgerald

Narrating Self and Disability: Latino Mothers’ Construction of Identities vis-à-vis Their Child with Special Needs

Author(s): Debra Skinner, Donald B. Bailey, Jr., Vivian Correa & Patricia Rodriguez

Qualitative Analysis of Latino Parents’ Religious Interpretations of Their Child’s Disability

Author(s): Debra Skinner, Patricia Rodriguez & Donald B. Bailey, Jr.

Religious Connectedness Among Urban African American Families Who Have a Child with Disabilities

Author(s): Jeannette Rogers-Dulan

Family Perspectives on Inclusive Lifestyle Issues for People with Problem Behavior

Author(s): Ann P. Turnbull and Mike Ruef

Local Church Support to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Jeff McNair & Stanley L. Swartz

School-Based Wraparound Planning: Integrating Services for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Needs

Author(s): Lucille Eber & C. Michael Nelson

Measuring Religiousness of Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

Author(s): Allisen M. Haworth, Amy E. Hill, Laraine Masters Glidden