In addition to our large collection of videos from past Summer Institutes on Theology and Disability, the following videos may be of interest:
Parker Palmer: Keynote address on hospitality and community from Merging Two Worlds Conference, Rochester, New York, 1986. 60 min.
Henri J M Nouwen: Response to receipt of the COMISS Award for Pastoral Care in 1994. Reflections on his life in L’Arche. 25 min.
Believing, Belonging, Becoming: Four congregational vignettes of inclusion, two with kids, two with adults. Produced by the Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities. 12 minutes.
One Body: The debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease overtook inclusion advocate, Tory White’s life. Attempts to attend church resulted in multiple visits to the ER and eventually, an inability to attend church. Though Tory experienced the pain of exclusion, her story is also one of hope in a redefined community, a larger movement for inclusivity practices, and a platform to advocate for change in congregations. Produced by the CLC Network.
Worship as One: Disability in Community. Including persons with a variety of abilities is transforming these three church communities. Listen in on their stories. Created in partnership with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and CLC Network.
2016 Exclusion and Embrace: Disability, Justice & Spirituality Conference in Melbourne, Australia. Link to each talk here:
Incomplete Without You: The Church and People with Disabilities
Erik Carter
Calvin January Series
The Practical Theology of Jean Vanier: Faith in a Vulnerable Community
David O. Jenkins
Pyne Lecture Series
Families with Disabilities: Recipients or Agents of the New Evangelization?
Margaret E. Guider, O.S.F., with Maria Cataldo-Cunniff
Pyne Lecture Series
Margaret E. Guider, O.S.F., with Maria Cataldo-Cunniff
Pyne Lecture Series
More than Elevators: Physical Disability and the Church
Debbie Creamer
Pyne Lecture Series
Disability and Advocacy in the Book of Job
Andrew R. Davis
Pyne Lecture Series
A Tapestry of Needs and Strengths: Ministering to Older People with Realism and Hope
Myles N. Sheehan, S.J., M.D.
Pyne Lecture Series